Grants for Growth

Project Deliverables

Logo Design

Brand Identity Design

Web Design 

Membership Platform Creation

Grants for Growth logo

Grants for Growth

The Grants for Growth Database is an easy-to-access and easy-to-use web-based tool that includes funding opportunities nationwide. These opportunities are available to local governments, businesses, non-profits, and schools looking to expand recycling programs and facilities, invest in infrastructure, reduce food waste, and so much more. 

Project Brief

The Grants for Growth project was multifaceted, with brand identity design and platform design to follow. Grants for Growth’s brand identity embodies forward motion and inclusivity, reflecting the brand’s commitment to sustainability. Vibrant colors and modern typography convey energy and optimism, while clean lines ensure clarity and recognition. The logo serves as a visual symbol of Grants for Growth’s mission to streamline access to funding opportunities and drive positive change nationwide.

Grants for Growth logo on paper